A Mind Beyond Words
As an acupuncturist working in Glastonbury, amongst the usual back pains and headaches, I occasionally come across a story that is truly extraordinary. I had one of these cases recently and I have been given permission to share it with you all.
A few weeks back a client came to see me complaining of a blockage in her ear. This would have all seemed pretty normal, until we investigated further and discovered that there was actually also a blockage in her psychic channel. Now this seemed like a subject right up my street, so we delved a little deeper.
The background to the situation was that this client, Jes, used to be a teacher for children with special needs. Particularly young children on the autistic spectrum who had serious difficulties in speaking. One of these children, who was about six at the time, began to send his teacher, Jes, psychic messages as a form of communication. He started by setting her a series of little psychic ‘tests’, all of which she passed. The child, Asher, knew then that he had found the person that he’d been looking for. Someone who could teach him how to communicate verbally and someone he could teach how to communicate psychically. He could remember the time from before he was born and he had finally met the person that had agreed with him to embark upon this lifetime’s journey.
It took Jes a while to realise what was happening but a series of events led her to emphatically believe that this child was communicating with a direct consciousness connection. Luckily she was ‘open-minded’ enough to realise that this was a possibility. Over the years an extraordinary bond formed between the two of them, both learning how to communicate in two very different ways and to guide each other through two very different worlds.
We jump forward thirty or so years now, and Asher has become a fully grown man and Jes has retired, but the psychic bond is as strong as ever. In fact, although they live on different sides of the country, Asher has helped Jes write a book through psychic communication. The book recounts their story together and the other ‘realms’ that Asher has the ability to inhabit. The problem was, that when this blockage in Jes’ ear occurred, so did a blockage in the psychic channel with Asher. She couldn’t ‘hear’ him anymore.
Luckily, none of this is beyond the remit of acupuncture and telepathic communication is understood from an ancient Chinese medical theoretical perspective. There are acupuncture points with esoteric sounding names such as ‘heavenly connection’, ‘palace of hearing’, and ‘gate of the ethereal soul’, that indicate they would be effective in treating matters of Spirit level communication. And indeed they were. That night after the treatment, the psychic channel began to open up again and Asher sent the message that Jes should continue with her acupuncture treatments.
I was honoured to be a part of the message and Jes gave me an advanced copy of the book – A Mind Beyond Words. It affected me profoundly and I felt strongly supportive of the message that was coming across. Mainly that there are indeed other more subtle forms of communication than speaking and that the autistic or atypical mind, may have access to realms and dimensions that the typical mind does not.
I was thinking about all of this whilst I was going for my morning run, and I wondered if Jes and Asher would be open for me to write this article, so I could help promote this deeply moving and extraordinary story. As I thought this, I ran through a cloud of butterflies who appeared out of seemingly nowhere. As the Universe sometimes seems to communicate to me through animal totems, I thought that this may have been a sign. I therefore asked Jes if it was possible that Asher had sent the butterflies as a message and this was his response –
‘Everything has been calculated with the utmost precision. I have been involved in preparations and sending of signals at pertinent times.’
We took that as a Yes.
For more information on Jes and Asher’s story please visit www.ashertree.com or listen in to my Spotify podcast, ‘The Only Way is Glastonbury’.