
For hundreds, if not thousands of years Glastonbury has been a place of pilgrimage for those seeking physical well-being and spiritual fulfilment. This is as true today as it has ever been, as people come to our little town from all over the World, to try its healing waters, breathe in its fresh air and to experience its unique atmosphere. It has been said that there is a healer for everyone in Glastonbury and here stradling the ley lines, we have created a space where everyone is welcome to come and experience the best in alternative and complementary health care.

A Little History of How We Began!

Matt & Tamsin Fellows - Founders of Glastonbury Acupuncture

Matt was studying for his acupuncture exams and drinking a lot of coffee at the cafe Tamsin worked in. All those years ago they came up with an idea for a cafe with a treatment room on the side. A trip around the world and two children later this dream became a reality and 'The House of Tea & Chi' was born. The tea shop soon became a Glastonbury favorite, with many people coming to sample the healthy teas and enjoy the 'Chi' (energy) of Matt's acupuncture room. After a few years the constant stream of people meant that Matt was getting a lot busier with his acupuncture. However, unfortunately so was Tamsin, who was continually cooking and baking the food for the cafe. At the end of 2017 the tea shop was closed down so that Tamsin could spend more time with her children. The 'Chi' part of the business took over and three more treatment rooms were built where the cafe once was.
Since then they have moved to a place of even higher energy, with a therapy center nestled right up next to Glastonbury Abbey wall. Hanover Square, at the bottom of Silver street, is tucked away in a quiet part of town though it is right at the heart of all the energies.

Matt & Tamsin hope that the space they have created together, helps you to find Health & Wellbeing!